
Fire and EMS Biocide

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Infections resulting from bacterial, viral or fungal contamination and exposure to VOCs such as smoke, gasses and chemical vapors are a few among many hazards faced by Fire Fighters and EMS personnel. The risk is exacerbated by contusions, abrasions...

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Law Enforcement Biocide

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You are responsible for your own safety. In every situation, there is a need for SNiPER®’s ideal protection. Whether it is to clean vomit, urine or feces, disinfect equipment, vehicles and gear or deodorize K-9 officers, close quarters, and...

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Medical Industry Biocide

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Healthcare and medical facilities are faced with growing infection control problems which are primarily a result of the uncontrolled spread and growth of multi drug resistant strains of pathogenic bacteria. These bacteria continue to increase and spread infection in spite of rigorous cleaning...

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Environmental and Restoration Services Biocide

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Remediation, decontamination and clean up jobs resulting from natural disasters, accidents, equipment failure or human error are often very technically demanding, time consuming, hazardous and laden with risk. An improperly remediated structure can be costly in several regards: the deterioration of the structure,...

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Athletes, Arenas, Gyms & Clubs Biocide

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Today, bacterial and viral infections are on the rise and the world of professional sports is not exempt. Professional athletes are at higher risk for these types of infection due to exposure from soiled practice gear, communal locker rooms,...

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